Paul’s Missionary Methods

Paul’s Missionary Methods

The New Testament tells that Paul’s missionary vision was concentrated on serving the Gentiles. Being a strong enemy of Christianity, Paul became one of the greatest miracles of the New Testament and thus his life was a true representation of what a real mission is. There are several characteristics of missionary methods Paul uses in...

Jesus and the Old Testament

Jesus and the Old Testament

To understand who Jesus in the Old Testament was, one must first understand who he was in the New Testament. The New Testament refers to Jesus as Christ which means Messiah borrowed from the Hebrew word and the Greek word which means the chosen one or the anointed one. Most of the apostles that came...

Mary, The Mother of Jesus

Mary, The Mother of Jesus

Mary, the mother of Jesus, is one of the most significant characters in the New Testament. For her humility and obedience to God, Mary has been admired by generations of Christians throughout history. The character of Mary has also been widely covered in Western art, literature, and music. Based on the New Testament’s depiction of...

Augustine’s theology of grace as a response to Pelagius

Augustine’s theology of grace as a response to Pelagius

St Augustine is one of the most significant figures in the history of Christianity as his works had a great influence on the development of the Western church. Of his many works, Augustine is probably best remembered for his writings in response to widespread heresy that had threatened to destabilize the church in the early...