Welcome to Students of Scripture
Loving God & Loving Others
Believing in God’s Word and Spirit
Fabio Delgado was a trilingual Bible teacher and pastor in different churches denominations for many years. He did his study career at Liberty University. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Religion Apologetics Cognate (B.S. in Religion), Master of Divinity (M.Din.), Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) and Doctor of Philosophy in Bible Exposition (P.H.D.)
Author of “Believers but not followers: the unstoppable misconduct and neglect of Christians outside the ministries duties”; he focuses now on writing books and running the “Students of Scriptures” website, a non-profit organization.

Molding believers, influencing the world
Our mission is to help people around the globe, which is guided by the slogan“building holy and healthy lives.” The organization is to help children and young adults around the world grow in their faith.
Statement of Faith
Molding believers, influencing the world
As an organization, we believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, and authoritative word of God. Therefore, it should be used as the basis for understanding what God expects of us as His children. Furthermore, we believe that there is only one God who is eternally existent as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In our organization, we believe in the power of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, vicarious and atoning faith, bodily resurrection, and ascension to heaven. It is also imperative to state that as an organization, we seek to depend on the Hol Spirit to guide our activities and strive to live according to the standards set by Jesus Christ.
Molding believers, influencing the world
Christians around the world strive to live their life in accordance with the teachings of the Bible and the examples that Jesus Christ set while on earth. The Bible acts as the foundation of Christian behavior and moral code. All followers of Christ must strive to learn about the moral principles in the Bible and use it as the basis for determining what is wrong and right.